Dangers of Sewage

Sewage Dangers

Sewage presents major health hazards and environmental risks. Raw sewage is a mix of human waste, chemicals and bio-hazardous debris that can cause health risks if not cleaned. In this article we will explain the dangers of sewage, such as:

  1. Composition of Sewage

  2. Health Hazards

  3. Environmental Impact

  4. Why Professional Cleaning is Needed

Composition of Sewage

Sewage bacteria

Raw sewage is composed of a variety of contaminants, such as:

  1. Pathogens: Bacteria, viruses and parasites which will cause diseases such as hepatitis, gastroenteritis and cholera.

  2. Chemical Pollutants: Industrial waste, domestic chemicals.

  3. Organic Waste: Human waste, food waste and bio hazardous material.

  4. Physical Debris: Plastic, paper products and other general solid waste.

Health Hazards

Sewage health issues

Exposure to sewage can cause many health issues, some are even life-threatening. These dangers are as follows:

  1. Infectious Diseases: Pathogens in sewage can cause a large amount of illnesses. Bacteria like E. coli, Salmonella can give you severe gastrointestinal problems. Also viruses such as Hepatitis A and Rotavirus can cause liver disease and severe dehydration.

  2. Respiratory Issues: Inhalation of methane and other gases from sewage such as ammonia or hydrogen sulfide can cause respiratory problems, eye irritation and even long term lung damage.

  3. Skin Infections: Contact with sewage on bare skin can lead to skin infections, rashes and other skin problems.

  4. Toxic Exposure: Chemicals and metals in sewage can be absorbed through your skin or ingested. This leads to poisoning or other long-term issues like cancer or neurological disorders.

Environmental Impact

sewage leak

Raw sewage poses a significant threat to the enviroment. Sewage can infiltrate the soil and local water sources, which will lead to:

  1. Water Pollution: Untreated sewage that enters bodies of water can kill aquatic life and disrupt ecosystems. It can also cause illnesses in the local populace.

  2. Soil Contamination: Pollutants will degrade soil quickly. This affects plant growth and also animals who rely on those plants to survive. It can also affect agricultural plants, causing issues on farmland.

Why Professional Cleaning is Essential

sewage cleaning

As sewage on its own poses a health risk, it is not advised to attempt to clean it on your own. Professional cleaning is a must and here are the reasons why:

  1. Knowledge and Training: Our cleaning teams are trained in handling hazardous material. They have the knowledge and expertise to remove any sewage safely and efficiently. Our cleaning technicians understand the correct protocols and techniques which will minimise any risk to health and safety.

  2. Specialised Equipment: Our cleaning technicians use industry standard equipment. All of our vans have pumps, water extraction machines, the correct PPE and disinfectants. Our equipment will ensure that our technicians have the ability to thoroughly clean and decontaminate the area.

  3. Preventative Measures: Emergency Clean UK technicians have the knowledge to identify the source. Our technicians will be able to inform you on the best course of further action to make sure it does not happen again.

  4. Health and Safety Compliance: Our teams follow all health and safety regulations. This will protect you from potential legal liabilities and environmental legislation.

The dangers of sewage should not be ignored. From massive health risks to enviromental damage, untreated sewage poses a large threat. Our cleaning teams will ensure that these dangers are no longer an issue in your property. We will ensure that your property is safe and sanitary. When faced with a sewage issue, please contact us to receive a free quotation. If you are in need of a quote or are interested in our service, please click the button below.


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