How to Get Blood Out of Carpets

Accidents happen, and sometimes they result in unwanted blood stains on your carpets. Whether it's a small cut, a nosebleed, or another mishap, it is imperative to clean it. Follow this guide to remove blood stains from your carpets.

A white carpet with two blood stains on it. A pair of hands wearing yellow marigold gloves is cleaning the carpet with a brush.

The Steps of Cleaning Blood Out of Carpets.

Step 1: Act Quickly.

The key to successful blood stain removal is to address the issue as soon as possible. Fresh blood is easier to remove than dried stains.

Step 2: Gather Cleaning Supplies.

Gather Supplies - Before you begin the cleaning process, gather these supplies.

  • Cold water.

  • Mild washing up liquid.

  • Hydrogen Peroxide (for light-coloured carpets).

  • Clean white cloths or kitchen towel.

  • Disposable gloves.

  • Soft-bristle brush or old toothbrush.

Step 3: Protect Yourself.

Wear disposable gloves to protect your hands from direct contact with the blood. This is particularly important if the blood might carry potential health risks.

Step 4: Blot Don’t Rub.

Start by blotting the blood stain with a clean white cloth or kitchen towel. Avoid rubbing the stain, as this can push the blood deeper into the carpet fibers and worsen the stain.

Step 5: Cold Water Rinse.

Dampen another clean white cloth with cold water and continue to blot the stained area. The cold water will help dilute the blood and lift it from the carpet fibers. Blot until the stain starts to fade.

Step 6: Mild Washing Up Liquid Solution.

If the blood stain persists, mix a solution of mild liquid dish soap and cold water. Apply a small amount of the solution to a clean cloth and blot the stain. Rinse the area with cold water to remove any soap residue.

Step 7: Hydrogen Peroxide.

This is not readily accesible in the UK however it can be found in chemists or online. Use this only with light coloured carpets. Apply a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to a clean cloth and blot the stain. Be cautious, as hydrogen peroxide can lighten the carpet's color. Always test it in an inconspicuous area first.

Step 8: Rinse and Dry.

After removing the blood stain, rinse the area with cold water. Blot the area with a clean, dry cloth to absorb excess moisture. Allow the carpet to air dry completely before using it again.

Step 9: Vacuum and Restore Fluffiness.

Once the carpet is dry, vacuum the area to restore its fluffiness.. Brush the carpet fibers with a soft-bristle brush or an old toothbrush to ensure they return to their original texture.

After reading this article, we hope that you know how to tackle cleaning blood out of your carpet. We also cannot stress enough to make sure you do it safely. Always wear PPE and always read the instructions for any chemicals you use

It is always recommended that if you have a large amount of blood in a carpet, you hire a professional cleaner. Here at Emergency Clean UK, we have the trained staff and industry standard equipment. Our teams have the knoweldge of how to deal with biohazard cleaning and the preventivie measures that must be put in place before a clean. Blood is a biohazard, and if you are unsure of it’s origin it should always be cleaned by a professional, as the potential dangers of disease and bacteria are very high.

Also, if your carpet is heavily saturated and it has dried sometimes it is best to remove the carpet rather than attempting to clean it.

If you require any form of professional cleaning, please take a look at our services in the biohazard section on our page.


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