How to Prevent Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are a nuisance which no one ever wants in their home.
They can quickly infest your home if you are not careful. Prevention is the best strategy when it comes to these pests and this is what we will discuss today. This article will encompass methods on how to keep bed bugs at bay, from regular inspections to professional bed bug removal.

A bed bug sitting on a piece of brown and white linen. The background is blurred.

Regularly Inspect Your Home

The first and major step in bed bug prevention is inspection.

Always keep out an eye for signs of bed bugs, including seeing them yourself on upholstery, tiny white visible eggs and small dark fecal spots/blood spots. Common hiding places to find them are mattresses, furniture seams and cracks in your walls.

Vigilance is crucial to prevent infestations. You must make it a habit to inspect your home regularly.

If you find that you do have an infestation of bed bugs, you must always use a professional bed bug removal expert. Luckily for you, Emergency Clean UK offers this service. If you click here we can offer you a free quotation.

Avoid Second-hand Furniture

A very common way that bed bugs enter your home is through second-hand furniture. If you're thinking about purchasing used furniture, thoroughly inspect it for signs of infestation. This extra caution can save you from a bed bug infestation.

Use Protective Covers

Protective covers for your mattresses and box springs can be a excellent preventive measure. These covers will encase your bedding. This will prevent bed bugs from getting in or out. Always make sure to choose covers that are labeled as bed-bug proof to maximise protection.

Reduce Clutter

Clutter is a great place for bed bugs to hide. It will make them harder to detect and in turn will make it harder for a bed bug pest control professional to eradicate the infestation. Always keep your home tidy and minimise the amount of clutter to reduce the bed bugs hiding places.

Launder and Dry on High Heat

Always wash your bedding, clothing and curtains regularly. This will help prevent bed bugs as it will kill any potential infestations in your textiles. Use hot water, around the 50 degrees celcius mark or above.

Be Careful When Travelling

As the Paris bed bug infestation has become more prevalent, we have noticed that there are more occurences of infestations within the UK.

If you are travelling, always be cautious as bed bugs are notorious for hitchhiking in your luggage and clothing.

Inspect the accomodation you are staying in and make sure that there isn't an infestation in any of the bedding.

Always wash and dry your clothing when you arrive home at a high temperature and look at your luggage for any signs.

Seals, Cracks and Crevices

Bed bugs can hide in small cracks and crevices around your home. Always seal these cracks with caulk or other materials to prevent them from finding refuge or entry into your home.

Hiring a Professional Bed Bugs Pest Control Service

If you suspect or have an infestation in your home, it is time to call the experts. Our teams are trained and equipped to deal with a bed bug infestation of any size. Our bed bugs pest control experts have been in the business for years and have the know how on how to rid your home of an infestation and give you peace of mind.

If you are in need of bed bugs removal from your home, please either click the button below at the bottom of this article, or click here to look at our service.

Track Your Home After Treatment

If you have had professional bed bug removal in your home, always track those problem areas afterwards.

Bed bugs can be resilient, and periodic checks can help catch any reinfestations early.

Bed bugs are a persistent problem, but with proper prevention and early intervention you can keep them out your home.

Follow this guide and you shouldn't have to deal with these problem pests. However, if you are currently in need of a bed bugs pest control treatment, look no further.

Click the button below to view our service and we will be more than happy to provide you with a free quotation.


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