The Dangers Of Rodents

After a rodent Infestation has been dealt with, the clean up can be a process which comes with unforeseen dangers. 

The chances of getting sick from mouse droppings along with rat droppings are high if proper precautions are not taken. 

Rat urine disease is something that should not be taken lightly, and it's not just rats either, there are many rodents which carry diseases which can be deadly to humans. 

In this article we will talk about the dangers of rodent Infestation clean up ,along with some of the diseases that come with them. 

The Dangers During A Rodent Clean

The dangers of rodent Infestation cleaning are numerous. 

Rodent urea and feces carry a large amount of diseases, such as:

  • Arenavirus

  • Bartonellosis

  • Capillariasis

  • Echinococcosis

  • Hantavirus (Disease caused by rat droppings)

  • Leptospirosis

  • Rat Tapeworm

  • Salmonellosis

  • The Plague

  • Toxoplasmosis

  • Trichinellosis

  • Tularemia

  • Weil’s Disease ( Rat urine disease)

As you can see, there are so many diseases all with different levels of danger.
One we will go into further detail about is the Hantavirus as it is one of the most common.
Hantavirus symptoms are:

Early Stages:

  • Fatigue

  • Fever

  • Muscle Aches

Late Stages:

  • Coughing

  • Shortness Of Breath

  • Lungs Filled With Fluid

And yes, this illness can be fatal, even more so with people with any kind of respiratory problems or underlying medical condition. It has a mortality rate of 38%

The way we contract these diseases are via ingestion of rodent urine / feces, along with breathing in particles of the urine / feces and if any of the particles enter the bloodstream.
The chances of getting sick from mouse / rat droppings vary on how you came into contact with them, however proper measurements should be put into place to ensure you do not contract anything.
Another question asked commonly is ‘How long is rat urine dangerous’. The answer is that the harmful bacteria can survive for one month if it stays in liquid form, however not very long if dried out.
If you have had an infestation with a large amount of rodents, the urine will pool and stay in liquid form for an extended period of time, due to the sheer amount.
Which only makes it more prudent to follow the necessary steps.

However, we always recommend that you hire a professional cleaning team to deal with these jobs. Especially if your infestation has been a large one. If you would like more information click the button below.


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