Health Risks of Nicotine Damage In Your Property

Nicotine, is a addictive substance found in tobacco products. It poses significant health risks not only to active smokers, but also those exposed to secondhand smoke. While the dangers of direct inhalation are well-documented, the lingering effects of nicotine residue to an indoor envrioment is underestimated. This article will explore the health risks associated with nicotine residue and look at the importance of addressing the issue. This could be nicotine stain removal, looking for the signs of nicotine damage and the impact the comes with cigarette wall damage.

The Dangers

Nicotine is a volatile compound which can easily cling to indoor spaces. This will leave behind a very stubborn residue on surfaces and materials. This residue is often visible to the naked eye and will accumulate over time, creating an environment which can cause illness due to long term exposure. Cigarette damage on walls, surfaces and material is known as third hand smoke. The chemicals and pollutants that are inhaled from a cigarette will stick to surfaces and can be inhaled, or when touching these damaged surfaces can also find their way into our bodies.
This can worsen conditions such as COPD and other respiratory issues, or can even cause them. You also have to worry about the increased risk of certain cancers when living in a property with cigarette damage.

These health risks increase with the amount of time someone has smoked inside a property and those most at risk are those with respiratory issues, children and the elderly. Our main recommendation when it comes to preventing these dangers, is to not smoke inside to begin with, but once the damage is done, the only way to combat these dangers is with a clean, which we will speak about more below.

Nicotine Stain Removal

Several methods exist for nicotine stain removal, however our main method is chemically washing the walls, ceilings and surfaces in order to lift the nicotine from these areas. This will naturally lessen the danger of third hand smoke, as the majority of nicotine will be cleaned and removed.

It is imperative this service be conducted in a smokers property, you cannot paint over nicotine damage, as this only masks the problem. Also, what you will find after painting these areas, is that the staining will bleed through the paint, making your time and effort of painting for naught.

We always recommend to look out for the tell tale signs of a smokers property if you've moved into a new property. We will discuss these signs more below.

Signs of Nicotine Damage

While nicotine stains themselves are easily spotted, the damage itself extends beyond discolouration. You must understand the signs of the damage, in order to keep yourself and your loved ones safe from the potential health effects. These common signs include:

Persistent Odour:

Nicotine residue will contribute to a lingering and unpleasant smoke smell. The amount of chemicals that burn when a cigarette is lit create a pungent odour, and the nicotine/tar in a cigarette allows this smell to stick to furniture, carpets, curtains and material blinds, along with the majority of surfaces. This is a tell tale sign you are inside a smokers property.

Respiratory Isssues:

When exposed to an enviroment with high levels of nicotine/chemicals from smoking for an extended period of time, you may begin to experience respiratory issues, such as coughing, wheezing and difficulty breathing. If you yourself already have a prexisting condition, we recommend having a clean conducted sooner rather than later.

Allergic Reactions:

Nicotine residue can cause allergic reactions in some individuals. The symptoms could include, skin irritation, red eyes and nasal congestion. Identifying these signs is crucial, do not shrug them off as general allergies or a cold.

The health risks that are associated with nicotine/cigarette damage emphasize the importance of professional cleaning. Taking these steps will keep yourself and your family safe from third hand smoke, you do not want to experience the health effects that it carries.

If you are living in a smokers property or have moved in to one and need a clean conducted, please click the button below to view our service and get yourself a free quote.


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