When to Hire a Hoarders Cleaning Service

Hoarders are individuals who keep and struggle to get rid of a large amount of possessions. They often find themselves trapped in overwhelming and unsafe living conditions. The need for a hoarders cleaning service arises when the clutter reaches a point where it impacts mental and physical well-being. It is important to recognise the signs of hoarding and seek help from a hoarders cleaning team, to de-clutter and clean. This is crucial for the hoarders health and safety.

A dimly lit room with a large amount of clutter, from general waste to odds and ends.

The Challenge of Hoarding

Hoarders will often face difficulties parting with items, due to emotional attachments, fear and loss or underlying mental health issues. Over time, this behavior can lead to a large amount of clutter which can pose serious health risks. These risks can include, fire hazards, mould growth, and sanitation issues. Attempting to clean or address these issues yourself without professional help can sometimes worsen the problem. It is important that you understand that hoarding is part of a greater issue.

A dimly lit kitchen with a large amount of food waste on the floor and surfaces. There is clutter, dirt and grime on every surface.

Recognising the Signs

The first step to addressing hoarding, is to recognise the signs of a problematic living situation. The individual may struggle to discard possessions, or their property may now have a large amount of unmanageable clutter. The clutter itself now compromises living spaces, meaning you cannot enter certain rooms or it is difficult to move around each room. Social withdrawal is another common sign. If you notice these signs yourself, or from a loved one, it may be time to consider getting in touch with a hoarders cleaning service. Click the button below to chat to an expert and get a free quote.

Professional Hoarders Cleaning Services

Our professional hoarders cleaning service specialise in helping people reclaim their home. This is done via organising items to be removed and then utilising waste removal to declutter the home. Our trained technicians understand the sensitivity of a hoarding situation, we always approach with a compassionate and professional process. Here's when you should consider a hoarding cleaning service:

1. Unmanageable Clutter:

When clutter has reached a point where it impedes movement within the home, or makes essential areas inaccessible, or compromises safety, it is time to call the experts. Our professional hoarders cleaning service have the experience and industry standard tools to tackle any job big or small.

2. Health and Safety Concerns:

Hoarding will lead to unsanitary conditions, it will attract pests, mold and other health hazards. If pet hoarding has also occurred in a property, it can lead to animal waste being present as well, which is a bio-hazard. The excess amount of clutter is also a fire risk, not only being great kindling, it can block exit routes out of the property. If a kitchen has a large amount of food waste in it, it can create an environment of bacteria which increases the risk of illness when preparing food. If these signs are noticed within a property, you must hire a hoarders cleaning team. Emergency Clean UK will ensure a safe and thorough clean up, making sure the property is back to a sanitary condition.

3. Emotional and Psychological Support:

Hoarding is often rooted to complex emotional and psychological factors. Our professional hoarding cleaning service understand that the root cause of hoarding is due to this. We always recommend that before, during or even after the clean that professional mental health professionals are consulted, to combat the root cause of the hoarding problem. If you have noticed yourself or your loved one having trouble with their mental health and clutter starting to mount up in their property, seek help from mental health experts as well as a hoarders cleaning team.

An old woman in a very clutter and dirty kitchen. It is an unsanitary and unsafe hoarded enviroment.

Recognising the signs of hoarding and understanding when to hire the professionals go hand in hand. This will allow you to address the challenges of excessive clutter, all the while taking a safe approach to the situation. Our professional hoarders cleaning service brings with it expertise, compassion and efficiency to the cleaning process. We promote not just a physically clean environment, but also a supportive and understanding approach to the emotional aspects of hoarding. If you or someone you know is struggling with hoarding, don't hesitate. Click the button below to look at our service, get professional help and a free quotation from Emergency Clean UK.


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